Module II : Specialization Commercial Layers

Hybrid program

Online part

January 15th to January 15th, 2025

  • EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION DISCOUNT: Register and pay before 30th April 2024 to receive a discounted price of 2350 EUR (normal price 2500 EUR).

    This hybrid course combines 6-months of online information and one residential week.

    This course builds on the review of general infectious and non-infectious diseases of Poultry presented in Module 1 (although not a prerequisite for attending this course, it is highly recommended) to bring attendees the most up-to-date information regarding issues encountered in the egg production sector.

    In addition to a thorough review of key infectious diseases of commercial layers and their control and prevention options, the course will address also the main non-communicable diseases and conditions affected laying hens.

    With the increased adoption of alternative housing systems such as aviary or free-range systems of pullet birds and commercial layers, the course will also address a number of points related to the health and welfare of birds at key stages of their life cycle.

    Nutrition and several management practices such as lighting program, heat stress management and biosecurity will also be covered during this 2-week program.

    The course will offer also an opportunity for the participants to perform post-mortem examinations, to refresh their knowledge about sampling techniques and requirements for diagnostic purposes as well as a full-day field visit.

    This course will be taught in English by a team of internationally renowned Course Masters, including some professors from Utrecht University.

    The program for the residential week is to be confirmed, updates will be posted shortly.

    The outlined program below is subject to change.

  • Early Bird Registration : Take advantage of our special offer of 2350 EUR (regular price 2500 EUR) by registering and completing payment before September 2nd, 2024.

    WPSA and WVPA professionals members will be able to obtain a discount of 100 EUR upon course registration by presenting proof of their membership.

    The fee for each course includes access to the online course materials (available for 7 years), the exam administered by Université de Montréal, and membership in the private Facebook group. It also covers dinners and two coffee breaks per day during the residential week. Please note that the fee does not include accommodation, transportation, health insurance, or travel visa costs.

  • English.

Residential part

December 2nd to December 6th
Utrecht, The Netherlands


In Utrecht University, The Netherlands

  • 8:00 - 9:30

    • Key points for starting and growing pullets

    9:45 - 11:15

    • Challenges in starting pullets


    • Latest development in layer breeder birds

    12:45 - 13:45

    • Heat stress management


    • Clinical cases (with participant's contribution)

    16:00 17:00

    • Round table discussion: Laying hen welfare

  • 8:00-11:15

    • Nutrition for optimal pullet management and egg nutrition: Key concepts for veterinarians in the field


    • Clinical cases


    • Managing flocks to 100 weeks


    • Clinical casis with participant,s contribution

  • 8:00-15:00

    • Field visit– details to be provided later on

  • 8:00-9:00

    • Avian influenza


    • Designing a pullet & layer vaccination progra ms adapted to the local situation and vaccination team


    • Clinical cases

    13:15- 14:15

    Round table: Avian Influenza vaccination


    Clinical cases

  • 8:00-13:00

    • Lab session (details to be confirmed)


    • Clinical cases (Participants)


    • Next steps: the date of the online exam will be agreed upon by the participants.

Daily Program

  • 9.5 hours

    • Introduction to the world egg industry

    • Worldwide statistics

    • Egg markets : white, brown, organic, cage-free, pasture etc.

    • Egg marketing/sales systems: retail, processed, dehydrated frozen, whites, yolk etc.

    • Genetic lines: evolution of selection criteria, production potential, the 500-Egg layer,

    • Supply management approach to egg production

    • Egg production systems (Conventional cages, Furnished cages, Cage-free systems including aviaries, Free range production, Organic egg production

    • Egg quality and grading (External quality standards and monitoring methods, Internal quality standards and monitoring, Expected egg size distribution, egg quality targets)

    • Biosecurity in egg production (General biosecurity in egg production, Design of a structural and operational system; Integrated management of nuisances, pest control (Fly control, Rodent control, Wild and domestic animal control, Importance of protecting the poultry house against wild birds)

    • Positive and negative aspects of cage-free egg production systems

    • Artificial intelligence, robotics, information, etc. in poultry farms

    • Factors affecting the sustainability of egg production

  • 7,5 hours

    • Internal and external parasites (Cestodes, Nematodes, Blood parasites, Mites, louses, fleas, bed bugs, Coccidiosis (diagnosis, prevention and control)

    • Diseases of the reproductive system (False layers, Cloacal prolapse, Cloacal pecking, Cloacitis, Salpingitis & peritonitis, retained yolk)

    • How to investigate problems in layers farms (At the farm level, With the help of laboratory tools, sample selection,…)

    • Skin and mucus membrane problems (Fowl pox, Ulcerative dermatitis (focal dermatitis), Feathering problems, Eye notch, Trauma

    • Musculo-skeletal problems (Septic arthritis, Plantar abcesses, Reovirus infection)

    • Food safety in commercial egg production

  • 6,25 hours

    • Bacterial and mycoplasma related diseases (Infectious coryza (Avibacterium paragallinarum), Pasteurellosis, Gallibacterium anatis, Mycoplasma gallisepticum & Mycoplasma synoviae, Campylobacter hepatica, Botulism

    • Liver problems in layers (Fatty liver hemorrhagic syndrome, Hepatitis E virus (HEV, hepatitis-splenomegaly syndrome), Inclusion body hepatitis, Post-bacterin hepatitis)

    • Lighting programs principles (Open houses for pullets and layers, Dark houses for pullets and layers

  • 5 hours

    • Viral respiratory diseases (Newcastle disease, Infectious bronchitis, Avian metapneumovirus infection, Infectious laryngotracheitis

    • Immunosuppressive and neoplastic diseases (Marek’s disease, Chicken infectious anemia, Reticuloendotheliosis, Avian leucosis and sarcoma complex, Mycotoxicosis (only the immunosuppressive effects), Infectious bursal disease (Gumboro)

    • Poultry vaccines, viral, bacterial, recombinant vector vaccines

  • 2 hours

    • Basic medication principles with pullets and layers

    • Bacterial infections (Pullorum/typhoid infections, Paratyphoid infections, E. coli & colisepticemia, Staphylococcus infections, Pseudomonas, Omphalitis, Yolk sac infections, Enterococcus)

  • 4,25 hours

    • Enteric diseases (, Viral enteritis, Histomoniasis, Focal duodenal necrosis (FDN), Avian spirochetosis, Necrotic enteritis, Non-specific enteritis, Intestinal dilation syndrome)

    • Behaviour problems in commercial layers (Hysteria, Floor egg problems, Broodiness, Pecking and feather licking, Cannibalism, Piling-smothering)

    • Intoxication in commercial layers (Calcium intoxication, Sodium intoxication, Ionophore intoxication, Nicarbazin intoxication, CO2 and CO intoxication, Sulfur, Pesticides and rodenticides, Mycotoxicosis, Others)

    • Nutritional and metabolic problems (Imbalances and deficiencies: sodium, calcium and phosphorous, Vitamins related, Trace elements related, Articular and visceral gout and kidney problems

    • Egg drop syndrome and Neurological syndrome (transient paralysis)

    • Anatomy, evolution and physiology of the egg production organs

    • Emerging and re-emerging problems in layers

  • 1 hour

    • Preparation in the face of catastrophic diseases

  • 9 hours

    • Field visit

  • 3,75 hours

    • Nutrition for optimal pullet management and egg nutrition: Key concepts for veterinarians in the field

    • Clinical cases