Module II : Specialization Commercial Layers
Early Bird Registration
Until February 28th, 2025
Early Bird Registration 〰️ Until February 28th, 2025 〰️
The course offers 5 full immersion days in collaboration with UNMSM in Lima, Peru, and 44 hours of pre-recorded lectures by various recognized masters in the poultry field.
The usual course structure begins with the virtual phase followed by attendance at the in-person course. However, there is the possibility of customizing the course if any student requires a later incorporation to the in-person course.
The exam will take place online a few weeks after the in-person course.
Minor changes to this program may be made.
Early Bird Registration : Take advantage of our special offer of 2350 EUR (regular price 2500 EUR) by registering and completing payment before February 28th, 2025.
WPSA and WVPA professionals members will be able to obtain a discount of 100 EUR upon course registration by presenting proof of their membership.
The fee for each course includes access to the online course materials (available for 7 years), the exam administered by Université de Montréal, and membership in the private Facebook group. It also covers dinners and two coffee breaks per day during the residential week. Please note that the fee does not include accommodation, transportation, health insurance, or travel visa costs.
Hybrid program
Online part
Until January 15th, 2026
May 12-16, 2025
Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Peru
Residential part
Key Points in Rearing and Production:
Preparation of the house/shed
Sanitation and maintenance of drinking water pipelines
Water quality
Development of pullets (density, feeding, feeding space and presentation, temperature goals, body weight and uniformity goals, use of paper, lighting, air quality, etc.)
Challenges in early viability
Effects of chick cooling
Effects of chick overheating
Omphalitis and yolk sac infection
Clinical Cases
Lighting Programs:
Lighting programs in open houses
Lighting programs for closed house systems
Managing feed consumption to improve body weight, egg size, viability, and egg production
Calcium and Phosphorus Metabolism in Commercial Layers:
Principles of feeding in layers and nutrition for veterinarians
Clinical Cases
Field Visit: Poultry Farm, Factory
Vaccinology in Commercial Layers:
Avian vaccines, viral and bacterial vaccines, recombinant vaccines
Example vaccination programs
Vaccination equipment and vaccination in the incubator
Vaccination equipment and vaccination in rearing
Vaccination equipment and vaccination in production
Introduction to mRNA vaccines
Clinical Cases
Roundtable and Update:
Avian Influenza & Biosecurity
Animal Welfare
Clinical Cases
Sampling and Laboratory Analysis
Practical work: parasites
Clinical Cases
Analysis of Clinical Cases
How to valorize the WVEPAH program
Daily Program
In Universidad de San Marcos , Lima, Peru
7 hours
Bacterial infections
10 hours
Introduction to the global egg industry
Egg production systems
Egg quality and grading
Biosecurity in egg production
Pest control
Positive and negative aspects of cage-free egg production systems
Artificial intelligence in poultry farms
Factors affecting the sustainability of egg production
3 hours
Toxic problems in commercial layers
Calcium toxicosis
Sodium toxicosis
Ionophore toxicosis
CO2 and CO intoxication
Beak conditioning
Behavioral problems in commercial layers
Basic pharmacology in egg production
Nutritional and metabolic problems:
Imbalances and deficiencies (Na deficiency, choline deficiency, Ca deficiency and osteoporosis, P deficiency, deficiencies of vitamins and trace minerals)
Visceral and articular gout and renal problems
Reproductive system diseases
False layers
Cloacal prolapse
Cloacal pecking
Salpingitis and peritonitis due to yolk retention
2,5 hours
Physiology of egg production
Anatomy and physiology of the reproductive tract
Integument and mucous membranes
Avian pox
Ulcerative dermatitis
Feather problems
Eye notch
Musculoskeletal problems
Pododermatitis in chickens
Avian influenza
The disease
Mexican experience with AI in laying hens (eradication and vaccination)
4 hours
Bacterial diseases and mycoplasmosis
Avian cholera (pasteurellosis)
Gallibacterium anatis
Infectious coryza (Avibacterium paragallinarum)
Mycoplasma gallisepticum and M. synoviae
Spotty liver (Campylobacter hepatica)
Liver problems in laying hens
Fatty liver hemorrhagic syndrome
Infection with hepatitis E virus (BLS)
Inclusion body hepatitis
Post-bacterin hepatitis
7 hours
Communication strategies in case of health emergency, both external and internal
Internal and external parasites
Lice, mites, fleas
Enteric diseases
Animal welfare
13.5 hours
Visita de campo: Granja avícola, fabrica
Muestreo y análisis de laboratorio
Trabajos prácticos: parásitos
11 hours
Puntos clave en la crianza y la producción
Preparación de la caseta/galpón /
Saneamiento y mantenimiento de las tuberías de agua de bebida / Calidad del agua /
Desarrollo de las pollitas (densidad, alimentación, espacio de alimentación y presentación de alimentación, objetivos de temperatura, objetivos de peso corporal y uniformidad, uso de papel, iluminación, calidad del aire, etc.)
Retos en la viabilidad temprana
No iniciadores (non starters) / Deshidratación / Efectos del enfriamiento de las pollas / Efectos del sobrecalentamiento de las pollas / Aspergilosis / Onfalitis e infección del saco vitelino / Pseudomonas
Programas de iluminación
Programas de iluminación en casetas abiertas / Programas de iluminación para sistemas de casetas cerradas / Manejo del consumo de alimento para mejorar el peso corporal, el tamaño de los huevos, viabilidad y la producción de huevos
Casos clínicos
4 hours
• Vacunología en ponedoras comerciales
• Vacunas avícolas, virales, bacterianas, vacunas recombinantes
• Ejemplo de programas de vacunación
• Equipos de vacunación y vacunación en la incubadora
• Equipos de vacunación y vacunación en crianza
• Equipos de vacunación y vacunación en producción
• Introducción a las vacunas de ARNm
• Metabolismo del calcio y fósforo en ponedoras comerciales
• Principios de alimentación en ponedoras y nutrición para veterinarios